24-HR EMERGENCY SERVICE - 508-471-0912


Cause of Loss Due to Windstorm

Are you experiencing a windstorm loss?  Whether you are a residential or commercial property owner, Silverstein Public Insurance Adjuster is fully equipped to handle every aspect of your windstorm-related insurance claim.

SPIA smoothes the entire process. We work for YOU, not the insurance company. We advocate for you, using our expertise to help you through the entire process successfully.

Trust SPIA to help you arrive at the best possible outcome from your fire-related insurance claim .For three decades Lee Silverstein has prepared, presented, and successfully settled more than 2,500 insurance claims. He has secured tens of millions of dollars in recoveries for his insured clients.

24-Hour emergency service

Call now for your free, no-obligation site visit, policy review & consultation

How a Public Adjuster works for you, not the insurance company